Monday, October 4, 2010

Four Months Old

At Four Months Old Abigail...

...sleeps for 6-7 hours at night.  She has her bath at 8:15/8:30, then nurses, and is usually asleep by 9:00. She'll usually wake up around 3:00 or 4:00.
...eats Mama's Milk. She is still does not like a bottle. My mom was successful last week: Abigail drank 3 ounces after her bath but she's refused it since then. We'll keep trying though!
...plays with her light and sound activity gym and the toys that hang from her car seat handle. She can pull on her toys and hold them. She even likes to grab at my eyeglasses or pull hair now. She sits in her exersaucer and Bumbo seat and can even sit in her little Ikea high chair. She has to look forward and see what's going on when you hold her now. She can stand for a few seconds when you hold her arms. She talks a lot and "moans" herself to sleep. She's found her index finger and thumbs recently and she loves to suck on those (or 4 fingers at a time). She rolls from her back to her side to reach or look at toys too. She laughed out loud this month too! We heard it for the first time while she was watching her fish mobile above her changing table. Silly girl. Smiles all the time too!!
...wears 3-6 and 6-9 months clothes and size 2 diapers. We wear cloth diapers during the daytime when we're at home.
...weighs 15 pounds, 10 ounces (90th percentile). 
...has a height of 25.5 inches (90th percentile).
...has a head circumference of 40.9 cm (50th percentile). 

Here is her three month post.

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