Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Boston - Day Five

We had suspicions when a certain something was late so on our date night in the North End we stopped at a drug store to pick up a pregnancy test. A faint line on the right (left one is the "control") confirmed our suspicions... we are going to have an October 2012 baby! Hence the reason the blog is waaayy behind. Shortly after we returned home, morning all day sickness hit and certain things took priority over this ole blog (like laying on the couch instead). ha ha ha
 Anyway, onto the rest of day five in BeanTown. Derek and Dan went on some manly errands (Auto Zone, I believe) and Sarah and I pushed Abigail down to a local school playground. 

 She loved having the freedom to just run and play. The sun was out and it was a beautiful day. You would never have guessed it was February. We really lucked out with visiting Boston during a warm spell. Although their winter was a lot like ours in Michigan, just warm all around. 
 For lunch we headed to Redbones for some ribs. I was feeling adventurous and ordered a combo plate. Oh. My. Word. That was a LOT of meat! It was good, but I don't know what I was thinking. :) We had to get a picture of it. 

 One last picture with Auntie and Uncle before heading to bed (Sarah would be off to work by the time we awoke and headed to the airport). 

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