Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Jesus Loves Me"

Today, in the car on the way home from getting groceries, I started singing, "Jesus Loves me". She likes the song because when I say "Let's sing-- what song shall we sing?" she'll  always reply with a sing-songy Jesus. Today though, I stopped after the first line because she wasn't singing along. She knows how to sing those first three words with me. I figured she just wasn't listening... and then I heard a very small voice, not really singing or talking to me but just to herself, "dis I know... fo da babo tells me so..."


  1. ...must be a family trait. Dad & I sang in the car with her last week and I also chose "Jesus Loves Me'. She sang the first line with us too! She also walked over to the coffee table Sunday and went right up to our bibles and said "Bible". Made me smile. Great job Derek & Julie !!!!

    Grandma & Grandpa "Cows"
