Tuesday, March 8, 2011

40 Bags in 40 Days

We have been reading Francis Chan's book Crazy Love with our small group. Each chapter hits a little harder. It's making us ask some tough questions and change some things. Good stuff. I also saw THIS challenge floating around on the blogosphere and thought I'd commit to it. I'll go through the house and get rid of 40 bags of "stuff" during the 40 days of Lent. I don't think I'll actually take pictures of it all and post it just because that's not the point to it. Plus, I'll get caught up in that administrative part of it and end up frustrated, behind, or quitting. Maybe I'll show you some end results. We do have our neighborhood garage sale at the end of April so the items that don't end up in the trash will be put out at the sale those days.

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