Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Two and a Half

Abigail is two and a half already. Where did those 30 months go? 

She is joy. 

Social, busy, vocal, a sponge. 

She weighs almost 28 pounds (41st percentile) and is 3 feet tall (59th percentile).  She wears some 2T clothes but is moving into her 3T stuff. She's a size 8 shoe right now and wears size 4 diapers. I put her in cloth diapers every once in awhile but she's good at opening them (velcro) and pulling them off so it's usually only when she's awake at home so I can keep an eye on her. I put pants on her too obviously but she'll take those off too. We've started putting pull-ups on her sometimes too because we'll have her sit on the potty for us. I haven't jumped right into potty training with the whole "cotton undies only" thing because frankly I'm just too tired yet. (Elijah's only one month old and some nights I'm lucky to sleep in my own bed for 2 hours -- due to his cold and inability to breathe laying flat).

She's started growing into a "rough stage" right now. Actually, it was a few weeks before Elijah was born so I can't blame it on his birth.  She's pretty emotional and will wake up crying and upset. Naps are getting to be a bit harder and bedtime takes a long time because she keeps getting out of bed. She needs to feel like she has some control in this big world she's swimming in so she can get upset at the slightest change and will say "no" to anything - even something she loves - just for the sake of being able to say "no". (Ha! Some of us adults should learn to say "no" a little more!)

She plays really well on her own and has a great imagination. She'll remember things as soon as she sees or hears them. Once, Derek was trying to record his phone on blue tooth in my car and after he said it aloud to the car computer she repeated the entire thing! Our eyes have been open to the crazy things on during the commercials at Prime Time because we now have our daughter's innocence to protect!

She eats like... well, like a toddler. Some days she'll love something and eat a ton and then next day she'll refuse it. We try to have her eat what we are eating because she needs to learn that we all eat as a family and that I'm not a short order cook! But we usually also add to her plate a few other things that are good for her and we know she'll like. 

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